Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Am I Weird?

I think I might be the weirdest person ever. I say weird things, and don't know when to quit. I hope this quality is something that my friends find endearing and not annoying.

One of my best friends always tell me I am hilarious, and I make her laugh. I think this is a good thing. I have an aunt that always said she would rather spend her life laughing over crying. So maybe this is my make people laugh. I laugh at myself quite regularly over the words I say (because lets face it I sometimes talk so fast that not all the words come out and my meanings get lost in the shuffle).

Two things I can do...1) I could slow down and allow my thoughts to come regularly. I have tried this but then I sound like I am trying to hard or monotone. 2) Be quieter and not participate in so much conversation. To this I say, "where is the fun in that?"

So I guess my lot in life is the be the funny girl who makes people laugh, and since lots of doctors think laughter is medicine, does that me I cure people? Too bad though that my funniness only occurs in oral conversation and when I try to write it down it becomes cheesy. If cheesy sells though maybe I should write my experiences down.

1 comment:

Claire said...

being "normal" is boring!! i think weird just means that you're who you are and what you want to be! exactly how God made you. :)
