Thursday, March 10, 2011

I am like Alexander!

I am like Alexander and his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Or at least I was yesterday. This was one of my favorite stories as a child and it applies today.

Yesterday I was tired all day because I could sleep the night before. So I slightly over slept and didn't have time to wash my hair, so I had to wear it in a pony tail...which i think makes my head look really really really small. My outfit made me feel like a guy...and I knew I would be like Alexander.

The day didn't get better because no matter what I touched it broke, got knocked over, or could have killed someone (okay a slight exaggeration) all of which made me hate the day more.

It seems we all go through days like this and it always seems that the days we have to endure this struggle are our most busiest day. Wednesdays are my busy days because of work and church activities. I got to church and I need to personally thank those lovely friends that made me realize that my day wasn't so bad; I was loved, appreciated, respected, and needed.

At least for me, I made my Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day worse by dwelling on it. I made those things happen because I was expecting them to keep happening. However, when I stopped and realized I could accomplish goals and have fun, things seemed to turn around. Now I will just have to remember this the next time a day like that appears.

May we all have Wonderful, Awesome, No Bad, Very Good Days!

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