Monday, February 21, 2011

The Sickness

Why is it that you have to catch a cold on Friday night and it last all weekend? Have you ever wondered why your cold attacks you at night the most and not during the day?

It is a shame to have to be miserable on your two days off from work only to feel well enough to carry on Monday morning when you have to show your face at work. Plus this weekend could have been promising.

Saturday was a wash because I only got the downstairs of my house clean and didn't get to do the correspondence I wanted, or work on any of the projects I had intended on my free day. Instead all I felt well enough to do was sit on my couch and watch t.v. and drink hot tea. I wasn't even really hungry at all that day.

Sunday was worse. Skipped a Funeral of a great man and choir practice and missed all the phone calls I had really wanted to take. I did sleep through most of The Wedding Date, Titanic, I used to be fat, and Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End. Needless to say I was the most productive creature that ever lived this past weekend.

Hopefully I will get rid of the crud that has infected me with its evilness and we can move on to what is supposed to be a really great week.

To quote one of my favorite movies quotes..."I am one stomach flu away from my ideal weight." Well in my case I am one head cold away from mine!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Valentines Dinner

So B and I decided that we would do Valentines Day on the 15th instead of the 14th. Well he said that he had something planned but it was a surprise.

I got home from work to this.....

I walked through the garage and saw and empty box for a food processor and for a pasta maker sitting by the recycling. I walk in the house and it smells like garlic and cream sauce and all the heavenly smells of Italian food. My husband made homemade pasta, homemade Alfredo sauce, and chocolate cake from scratch. He also tried his hand at scallops because he knows I love them.

Pasta really really good. I have never had homemade pasta before and it was super tasty. B says super time consuming and next time he wants us to do this together. We are thinking ravioli night with different fillings, I will let you know how it goes.

Alfredo Sauce...super creamy and cheesy. He had to call in for extra cheese and I think if he cut the heavy cream with a little milk the sauce would have been perfect. But for his first time it was delicious and would use it next time as a dipping sauce for garlic bread.

Scallops were a little chewy but he nor I have ever cooked them before and he was feeling a little rushed last night. I think today after sitting in sauce they will be awesome.

Cake...well i will have to let you know. After all the above I was so full of wine and food that I didn't even get to cake. Bummer I know, but there is chocolate cake in my future today. It will be a nice treat after working with children at church tonight and a long day at work.

Then there were the rose petals and candles everywhere. Grade on Valentines day...well you can't give was a priceless moment spent with the man I love! Take that Mr. Darcy, Mr. Rochester, and Mr. Farrars!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day...Well a Day Late!

My husband and I love each other every day so we really don't need a day to set asside and celebrate, but we do have to schedule time together because we seem to be so busy. So we decided to have Valentines Day today. This spawned mainly from me wanting to attend my gym class and B wanting to get some work finished.

We did agree that there were to be no presents...apart from my cheating bc I couldn't resist the mushy card and the cuddle monster that sings and dances...we kept to this agreement.

This however got me thinking. We actually do get each other gifts. We make it a point to kiss each other goodbye every morning unless B is away on business. We make it a point to text or call each other daily with an I love you, and we do nice things for each other all year round. That said, I sometimes wonder if we are romantic enough to compare to all the wonderful stories of love that I read about so much. Did I find my Mr. Darcy, Mr. Rochester, or Mr Farrars? I think I did. I mean he doesn't embody the classic written verson of love but he does love me and deal with my personality flaws and quirks. Lets see how he rates.

On Mr. Darcy. Darcy was a shy, clever man who until meeting Elizabeth had never thought anything for others outside his small family and friend circle. He was generous to others but did not have the view Elizabeth had on meeting friends. My husband is shy at times (although you would never know it). He like Mr. Darcy sit back and watch a crowd listening and studying to make sure he can have something significant to say or have some part of the conversation. B assesses the situation allowing time to feel comfortable and at ease, bc only at ease is when the real B comes out. B unlike Darcy isn't so serious and loves to joke, he makes me laugh and is one of the things I love about my Mr. Darcy.

Mr. my B doesn't keep a crazy lady in the attic who turned out to be his wife the day of our wedding. But he loves me and there was a time when I would read a loud to him just like Jane did when her Mr. Rochester was blind. B would move heaven and earth to seek me out and find me and his most miserable times are when we are apart.

Mr. Farrars...B probably is least like this man from one of my favorite love stories. But like Edward he has a loving and generous heart. He is kind, and treats all people with respect, and has that same sort of way where he doesn't catch on to female subtlies, which in the book and in my own life make me laugh.

I think my nonfairy tale non written version of a husband rates pretty well. I know when he proposed he said this wasn't going to be a fairytale, and he was right. We are a classic love story which is more interesting than happily ever after in my opinion.

Monday, February 14, 2011

It's been awhile...

Not that anyone follows me, mainly because I only posted two things ever before now. I think I might actually want to share things on this blog.

Update from 2008. I am married. Married the man that I didn't know I needed and would love as much as I do. God blessed me with him the day after I told him that I was giving up men and was going to start the first Baptist Nunnery. The next night I met my husband, the next week we had our first date, three months later we were engaged, and 11 months after that we were married. A lot happened in the middle but that will get you to where I am today.

Right now the big question is when we B (the husband) and I are going to have a baby. So we have decided that maybe 2011 will be the year that we try. I have been doing some research to see what all this entails, bc lets be honest there are lots of the cutesy things about having a baby people share but there are a lot (and I mean A LOT) of things people leave out!

I know this from the list friends of mine keep to give to when you have your first baby.

I have been reading all about breast feeding (scary), depression after delivery ( awful), and the screaming and crying the baby (and you and your husband) have. This was the part that scared me until....wait for it...Yup the actual DELIVERY. I watched that new Lifetime show "One born every minute" OMG I told my mom that I am not doing that. Nothing the size of a watermelon should be able to come out of something the size of a lemon. This defies the laws of physics...and thanks to laying down flat almost the laws of gravity!

I told my mom heck no and she get this laughed. Yup! Friends who have children laughed too and said this wasn't that bad! Really I think they are forgetting to screaming, yelling, and pain, and most will admit that this is the case. Everyone says it is super worth and you forget 15 minutes after the baby is born. I don't do pain, so not sure that i am going to forget.

And another thing...once you have the baby you can't give it back. What if my child is ugly? I know every parent thinks their kids are cute, but what if it is true? I mean I wasn't that bad as a baby and my husband was a pretty cute baby. I just hope our chances of having a cute kid is pretty high. I know in the eyes of God that no one is ugly, but still this is a fear i have.

Then there is being fat...i work really hard to look the way i do, and I still could stand in the media's eyes to lose a couple pounds. I just know that I am not going to be the cute pregnant lady, I am going to look fat and people are just going to think I am chubby. Heck, I already have people ask me if I am preggers when I try to be trendy and wear the sack dress over leggings so it only can get worse. In fact there are dresses that I have that I will not wear any more for this very reason. This will be awful. What if I can't lose the weight after? I mean it is hard enough now and I am not getting any younger...30 looms.

Oh well I am not pregnant nor do i plan to be for some time...guess I shouldn't freak out too much now. Besides there are some many more things that I should probably be thinking about. I will talk on these later.